Journal Entry 3

Date: 11.05.2023

- Writing scripts for spell management, casting spell "minigame" and enemy behaviour
- Rewriting terrain generation to work with Terrain object and enabling grass and tree spawning there + changing walls to be invisible with collider
- Creating custom tree through unity tools
- Drawing skybox and grass texture
- Adding health and stamina (including UI)
- Creating prefabs for enemies
- Adding base code for restarting the levell

A lot of this week's updates came right after this weekend's MFF gamejam where I managed to learn a lot from hands-on experience. One of the things that I learnt there was that it's not a bad thing to let go of the original plan to go with the flow of how the project is shaping up and that's what I did here with changing the level environment from "boxed in a tower" to "in a foggy forest/graveyard under the moonlight". The hardest part of scripting this time around was probably figuring out how to work with Terrain through script. Regarding asset creation, the only difficulty there was learning how to make a decent skybox. Other than that things are going fairly smoothly and we should be able to finish our plan without having to drop anything.

Invested hours:
Drawing textures - 1h
Writing scripts - 8h
Various asset creation - 1h

Updated git repository - link to project

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