Journal Entry 1

Date: 25.04.2023

- brainstorming session
- setting up git repository
- writing basic player controller
- writing noise based terrain generation

One of the toughest part of this week's work was actually in the brainstorming session, as it was difficult to assess what we can do, what we cannot (regarding the time given) and most importantly what we are willing to compromise on regarding quality in order to get the game done on time. It is very likely our goals are too much and we will have to walk them back. Regarding my personal work, basic player controller was surprisingly not that hard, but it is still very basic and will need a lot of work on to make it feel juicy for game purposes. Regarding terrain generation, making a mesh was something I'm used to already, it resembles one of the tasks I did last semester, but it was with diamond-square fractal generation. The only real trouble I had with it was that I had to figure out how to make the terrain nice with PerlinNoise function in Mathf library of Unity, as it wasn't behaving exactly how I thought it would. The solution wasn't difficult, just wasn't something that I thought of at first. Regarding teamwork so far from my end, it feels like we are on the same page, but I can imagine future features of the game will be compromised by different viewpoints.

Invested hours:
Brainstorming - 2h
Setting up git repository - 0.5h
Writing basic player controller - 0.5h
Writing noise based terrain generation - 2h

Branch on github repository

Pair developer:
(discord name) Kinky Bunny#5419

Division of labour:
Kinky Bunny - setting up git repository and initial commit, trying out top-down view on the game (in order to decide which camera will be used)
Vampire Domi - joining git repository as dev, trying out and writing basic first person 3D camera and terrain generation for level area

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