Journal Entry 2

Date: 05.04.2023

Activity: - Created first full implementation of Project A's design

Notes: Implementing features already present in the GameKit was also fairly trivial, since they didn't require much mingling with. The new features had their own hurdles, they took a few rethinking of how they should work internally to make them not awkward. In particular orbs created by Orb dispenser were at first going to disappear after they hit the player. But this led to inconsistent behaviour, when the orbs sometimes hit the player and didn't get destroyed or the orbs being destroyed and not damaging the player, so in the end I made it so they disappear only when they hit the ground.  Surprisingly, the toughest things to deal with ended up being synchronization of moving platforms and increasing the "camera size".

In spirit of transparency I will also list changes I have made from the OPD and reason why I changed them:
- I slightly  increased the jump length in order to make the jumping less tedious, without changing the possibility/impossibility of jumps

Invested hours:
Implementing GameKit features - 3h
Implementing new features - 4h

Build of the level (Project uploaded to the project page.


Project 71 MB
Apr 03, 2023

Get Project B

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